Even your best marketing offers can eventually become tired and stale. Often, this happens gradually until one day you realize that your profits have declined and you’re bringing in fewer and fewer new customers.

At this point, the usual thought is to try something new or completely change your approach. These types of sweeping changes will work if your target market has changed or you are trying to take advantage of new market trends, but may be less efficient otherwise.

You also have to consider that a new approach is often a risky proposition. Abandoning something that has proven to be successful for something new and untested can be a hard decision to make, especially when your profits are on the line.

But more often, your market has just become tired of the same pitch presented in the same way. If this is the case then you don’t need to completely rework your marketing strategy or your value propositions. What you need is a fresh look and fresh copy to present it. In cases like these your offer is perfect for a revamp.

A revamp utilizes your tried and true formula that’s worked in the past, highlighting the very best elements but changing and updating your offer enough to make it look and feel fresh again.

JR Direct recommends that you regularly revamp your offers, as it’s the most cost effective way to keep your customers engaged and minimize stagnation.