Direct mail is where it should be in 2016. Definitely not dead, and definitely not the end. More so, it’s even made a resurgence as online marketers embrace direct mail as a cost effective acquisition channel.

According to the article Why Direct Mail Is Marketing’s Hottest “New” Tool from, with the rise of online ad prices, direct mail has become a key acquisition focus for online companies who recognize that direct mail is simply more flexible that other formats.

Here are their reasons for the resurgence of direct mail:

  • Leverage geographic targeting: DM Targeting is significantly more accurate than IP-based targeting.
  • Tap unreachable segments: It reaches everyone, especially the less tech-savvy and elderly.
  • Lower cost of acquisition: With an effective mail piece, you can convert for less.
  • Diversify acquisition channels: DM is a valuable complement to other marketing channels.

A simple, yet deeper, reason why it’s not the end of direct mail is because of comprehension. Research reveals that people comprehend physical print better than digital.

A Washington Post article explains what University students in the U.S. think about print and why they prefer it over digital. Though the article focuses on students and textbooks, the reasons for choosing print over digital books can also relate to direct mail. It really comes down to the reader being less distracted, and therefore processing and absorbing information much better when it comes to print. Direct mail, done right, simply facilitates higher learning, and that is effective stuff!