In part 2 of our series on Direct Marketing Terminology, we present a list of “List” related terms (see also Part 1Part 3 and Part 4).

JR Direct is a leader in List Services, and for over 20 years we have specialized in List Brokerage and List Management for our clients around the globe. As such, we encounter the below terms on an almost daily basis.

Fittingly, our last blog was about the importance of the Mailing List. So continuing along this theme, here’s a few list related terms which will come in handy when talking lists!

“List” Terminology

Assigned Mail Date – The date on which the Mailer has the obligation to mail a specific list, based on prior agreement between the List Owner and the Mailer. No other date is acceptable without specific approval of the List Owner.

Automatic Mailing List – A mailing list maintained automatically by a computer. Typically, customers can add or remove their names from the list via web pages or e-mails with specific subject lines.

Business List – A list of individuals or companies based upon a business-associated interest, inquiry, membership, subscription or purchase. Records normally contain business addresses as opposed to home addresses.

Commission – A percentage of sales paid to the List BrokerList Manager, or other service agent for their part in the List Rental.

Compiled List – Names and addresses derived from multiple sources (directories, newspapers, public records, retail sales slips, tradeshow registrations, etc.).

Consumer List – A list of names (usually at home address) of people who have bought merchandise, subscriptions, services, etc. via mail, space, or radio/TV.

Decoy – A unique name specifically inserted into a rental list for verification of list usage.

Delivery Date – The date on which a specific list order is to be received from the List Owner by the list user or designated representative of the list user.

Fund Raising List – A list of individuals or companies that is based on a known contribution to one or more fund raising appeals.

Hotline – The most recent names available on a specific list. The selection is identified by the date range of last purchase/response (Sep 2014 HL, 3rd Qtr HL) or simply by “Most Recent”.

House List – A List owned by the Mailer, used for a mailing or as a suppression in a Merge/Purge.

List (Mailing List) – A list of names and addresses of individuals and/or companies having in common a specific interest, characteristic of activity.

List Broker – A specialist who makes all necessary arrangements for one company to make use of the list(s) of another company. A broker’s services may include most or all of the following: research, selection, recommendation and subsequent evaluation.

List Exchange – An arrangement between two companies for the exchange of Lists for compensation other than money (e.g., swap an equal number of names from their owned lists).

List Manager – An agent responsible managing an owner’s lists which usually includes: List maintenance (or advice thereon), List promotion and marketing, list clearance and record keeping, collecting for use of the list by others.

List Owner – An individual or company who, by promotional activity or compilation, has developed a list of names having something in common. Also, an individual or company who has purchased (as opposed to rented, reproduced, or used on a one-time basis) such a list from the developer.

List Rental – An arrangement in which a list owner furnishes names to a mailer for a one-time use (unless otherwise specified in advance) for a fee. A List Rental is usually transacted through both a List Broker and a List Manager.

List Selection – A sub-set of names selected from a List based on specific criteria (gender, location, etc.).

List Source – The media (general or specific) used to generate names on a mailing list. Examples: direct mail, space ads, inserts.

Net Name Arrangement – An agreement between a List Owner and a Mailer, at the time of ordering or before, in which the List Owner agrees to accept adjusted payment based on a quantity less than the total names shipped. The payment quantity can a percentage of names shipped (Net Percent) or the actual quantity mailed (Net/Net). Running Charges may apply.

Nth Select – A List Selection based solely on quantity. This is done using a proportional selection across geographical regions to more accurately represent the List (as opposed to selecting just the first n records).

One-time Use – This is an intrinsic part of the normal list usage, list reproduction, or list exchange agreement. It is understood that the Mailer will not use the names on the List more than one time without specific prior approval of the List Owner.

Running Charge – A fee charged as part of a Net Name Arrangement for names run and shipped but not used (and not charged at the full rental rate). The purpose of this fee is to help cover processing costs.

Test – A List Rental (typically utilizing a List Selection and/or Nth Select) used to determine the effectiveness of a List.

To contact a JR Direct expert on your list related needs, visit our List Services page. Be sure to sign up to our “Fresh Ideas” newsletter below to keep up-to-date on our blog and get the latest news and insights in the world of direct marketing.