Should you be hot for a PURL or a GURL?

Strictly talking direct marketing here, PURLs are where it’s at. So what is a PURL and GURL?

“GURL” stands for Generic URL which is simply the standard web address that you see for most web sites (e.g., On its own it provides no personalization, though you can use parameters to identify the customer (e.g.,

“PURL” stands for Personal URL, which is a unique, personalized landing page/microsite created specifically for each recipient of your direct mail or email marketing campaign (e.g., or

PURLs work well because seeing their name in a URL brings attention to the recipient – besides, people just love seeing their name! It makes a connection with them on a more personal level, and personal is a great thing in advertising and marketing.

Also by using PURLs, you benefit from:

  • Increased response rates
  • The ability to track responses in real time, and receive email alerts to instantly follow up with interested prospects
  • Engaging customers at a deeper level by collecting valuable information from your prospects, and using that information to make subsequent campaigns even more relevant.

So, would you prefer a hot PURL or a plain GURL?

If you’re interested in integrating PURLs in your next direct mail or email campaign, contact JR Direct immediately!